New “Zooi” colour

“What do you think of this colour?” Lars and Erik ask me with a secretive smile on their faces as they shove a coat rack Frits and shelf Guus in my face. All I see is a very cool colour grey, one that I haven’t seen before. And seeing their secretive smiles, I’m also very […]

Jut and Jul are back!

The beauty of Zooi is that the limitations of the residual material are your starting point when you’re designing products.  You have residual material in a certain dimension and shape and you start from there. With Jut and Jul we have discovered that this can really be a limitation. The residual material with the original […]

Coaster container Rik

Fun news, we have a new product: coaster container Rik! We found our coasters Sjors literally everywhere: on the table, under the table, in the cabinet tucked between the candles and the napkins….and even one in the cutlery drawer. Always searching where they are this time. That is about to change with Rik. Container Rik […]

“All sorts of things together, without order”

The Dutch dictionary defines the word zooi as: “all sorts of things together, without order”, or, in good English, a mess. But for us, a mess is something completely different. We see mess on a daily basis in the factory. By mess we mean the residual materials that are left over. Those residual materials are […]

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